This is Dewei! The origin of his name is Chinese and it means "of great principle." I thought it was a very fitting name for a panda because they just look so wise beautiful to me. Dewei does a bit of silliness to him though--he's got his own personality!!! He is available for purchase at my etsy shop.
Here's his story: "You can almost always find Dewei among the bamboo! He’s quite a serious little fellow, taking his time with every thought and action but he has proved to be a very wise and philosophical one indeed."
My boyfriend's mom has a bamboo plant and they even have bamboo growing in their yard in one area! At first, Dewei's photo shoot was with the bamboo plants outside. It was tough to get there because of the other shrubbery around the bamboo. The time of the day, wasn't the best so I was not too pleased with the results. A few days later, I saw the small bamboo plant and used that for my photo shoot with a green solid background. (This photo was taken by my boyfriend, Taylor. Thanks!)
Speaking of backgrounds, I use scrapbook paper for most of my amigurumi backgrounds. I prop up 12X12 scrapbook paper booklet against a seat outside, position my amigurumi in different ways and take A LOT of photos. Having a lot of photos at different angles ensures you get great shots! Then I upload them onto my computer and edit--I usually use iPhoto because I don't have Photoshop, but I have used Piknik and am going to look into Gimp.

I know my photos are not the greatest, but I'm learning and I think they get better each time! Do you have any tips or techniques? I'd love to hear!